
SmartHub briefly unavailable at 4:30 p.m.

UPDATED: 02/10/2025

SmartHub will be briefly unavailable due to maintenance at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10. We anticipate the service will be available again after several minutes.


Tipmont News

Learn more about the ways that Tipmont is empowering our communities. 

Ron Holcomb

July 2, 2021
In 2014, Tipmont’s board of directors revised our co-op’s mission statement to best reflect our purpose: “Empowering communities by providing...
June 1, 2021
If there’s been a theme to Tipmont’s past 12 months, it’s that we’re fighting for you. First, it was to...
April 30, 2021
What a difference a year makes. My column in May of last year was filled with uncertainty, but also hope....
March 30, 2021
Your home may be near one of our new build areas, but you are wondering why we’re not building to...
March 2, 2021
In late January and early February, severe winter storms caused several extended outages on our system. While we always want...
January 29, 2021
New Year’s Eve of 2020, the year like no other, delivered one last blow to the entire Tipmont family with...
November 24, 2020
When Tipmont acquired Wintek Corporation in January 2019, the focus was on Wintek’s existing and stable infrastructure and highly skilled...
October 30, 2020
When we originally announced our fiber internet build at our July 2018 Annual Meeting, the initial reaction was open applause....
October 13, 2020
Innovation requires both courage and compassion. It takes courage because there is no guarantee that the new thing you’re trying...
September 1, 2020
On the evening of August 10, severe storms with high winds rolled through our service territory. At one point, over...