Service Installation
There is no charge for your initial residential hookup at an existing home. However, there may be an installation charge in the following cases:
- When temporary service is requested or required.
- When electrical service is being connected for the first time in areas without existing service.
- When the cost to install the service is more than our estimated revenue from the first 30 months of electrical usage.
Deposit Information
Tipmont requires deposits when a member or applicant assumes billing responsibility for a service or when a service upgrade is required.
Deposit amounts are calculated based on an average of two months usage over the last 12 months at that service location, or a minimum amount of $200. The deposit amount for service upgrades and new service installation are determined by the Engineer and calculated at 1⁄6 average annual forecasted/projected revenues.
Deposits may be paid using cash, check, credit card, or money order. For a deposit amount in excess of $5,000, the member may provide Tipmont with an irrevocable letter of credit or surety bond from a licensed provider. Deposits must be paid before the electric service can be transferred or connected.

people over profits
Prohibited Disconnections
We will not disconnect your electric service when one of the following situations occur:
- You fail to pay for merchandise or appliances that were purchased from us.
- You fail to pay for electric service provided at a different location, unless the bill remains unpaid for 45 days.
- The previous occupant has left an unpaid bill at your residence.
- You fail to pay for electric service provided under a different class of service.
- It is between December 1 and March 15 and you are receiving or have applied for Home Energy Assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Deposits less than $1,000 may be waived for new members that permit Tipmont to obtain a credit report from a third-party credit reporting agency. If this report meets the established credit requirements, the deposit may be waived.
Deposits may also be waived for the following conditions:
- The applicant or member has no unpaid bills with Tipmont and is in good credit standing with the existing account.
- None of the member’s services have been disconnected for non-payment or were involved in a theft of electricity or meter tampering.
Deposits less than $1,000 will be held for an initial period of twelve months. After twelve (12) consecutive months of on-time payment, the deposit will be refunded on the following month’s bill. Deposits in excess of $1,000 will be held for the life of the account and bear interest calculated using the 30-year U.S. Treasury rate as of January 1 of each year. If you have paid a service deposit and then discontinue service, the deposit will be applied to your final bill and any remaining amount will be refunded. If you move from one location to another within our service territory, the deposit will be transferred.
If you are moving or want your electric service to be shut off for another reason, please call Tipmont at 800-726-3953 or complete a Stop Electric Service Request Form online at least three working days before the day you want your service to be disconnected.
Electric and Internet service disconnection requests are processed Monday – Friday only, excluding office holidays. We require one business day notice and do not offer specific disconnect timeframes.
Tipmont will disconnect your service without advance notice:
- If you have disregarded a payment agreement.
- If your payment for a past due bill or reconnection is returned to Tipmont unpaid.
- If a condition exists which is hazardous to life, physical safety, or property.
- Upon order of any court, commission, or other authorized public authority.
- If fraudulent or unauthorized use of electricity is detected.
- If our regulating or measuring equipment has been tampered with.
- If emergency repairs to our infrastructure are necessary.
Tipmont is allowed by law to disconnect your electric service due to non-payment of bills when we provide at least 14 days written notice. Before service is disconnected, you will receive written notice on your monthly statement that will give the date of the proposed disconnection. If we do not hear from you by the stated time, your service will be disconnected on or soon after the date specified in the notice.
To provide every opportunity for you to bring your payment up to date and have service reconnected, we only disconnect services at times when you can come in that afternoon or the next day to make payments. Therefore, disconnects due to non-payment are made only between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., local time, Monday through Thursday, and only between 8 a.m. and noon on Friday. We also will disconnect only until noon when our offices will be closed the following day.
When our employee arrives at your premises for disconnection, a notice will be given to you or left at the premises if you are not there. However, the Tipmont employee who comes to make the disconnection is not permitted to collect payment. This means that your payment must be received in our office in order to have your service reinstated.
If your service has been disconnected due to non-payment, you will need to make satisfactory payment before it can be reconnected. If a Tipmont REMC employee makes a trip to your service location on the disconnect date, a Trip fee may be charged. If the service is disconnected, past due bills, a reconnect fee, and a deposit or deposit increase must be paid in the office before service can be restored.
- Trip Fee $75
- Reconnect Fee $75
- Returned Payment Fee $20
A full list of fees is available in appendix B of our Rate Tariff.
Occasionally, you may have temporary circumstances such that you cannot pay the full amount of your bill. In these cases, we can arrange for continued service as long you contact our office before the disconnect date and have not broken a payment agreement with Tipmont in the last year.
Please call us at 800-726-3953 M-F 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. if you need assistance.