Big Achievements, Brighter Forecasts
Responsible stewardship of your cooperative is a top priority for Tipmont
Consider careers with Tipmont Wintek
Things look quite different now than when I arrived in 2013, but several things remain the same and always will. One is ensuring that what’s right for members most deeply defines all our ambitions and actions. Another is constantly seeking the right people to push us forward and doing our part to support and encourage […]
The time is wise to Winterize
October is a great time to plan for winterizing your home. To even think about such a thing on the beautiful 77-degree day when I’m writing this almost feels like blasphemy. But winter’s icy grip always arrives sooner than we think, and it’s best to be prepared. Early autumn’s mild days are ideal for investigating […]
Reconnecting with and Fighting for You
We look forward to seeing you on Sept. 18 at our 2021 Annual Meeting.
A Worthwhile WiFi Partnership
It hardly seems possible that the youngest members of our co-op communities will soon head back to school. That return is rooted in such routines as choosing classes or planning for extracurricular activities. While this school year won’t feel entirely the same as in many years past, there will at least be less uncertainty after […]
A different definition of what we do
In 2014, Tipmont’s board of directors revised our co-op’s mission statement to best reflect our purpose: “Empowering communities by providing state-of-the-art essential services.” In basic terms, that means electricity and fiber internet. But our definition dares to go deeper. For Tipmont’s board and the 100-plus people who make their living here, that mission statement reflects […]
Fighting for a fair, flexible energy future
If there’s been a theme to Tipmont’s past 12 months, it’s that we’re fighting for you. First, it was to accelerate our fiber internet deployment, which we accomplished. Now, it’s to stabilize the rate we pay for your power supply and offer flexibility that meets your current and future energy needs. We purchase the power […]
A season of hope
What a difference a year makes. My column in May of last year was filled with uncertainty, but also hope. Just like so many other organizations — hospitals, schools, churches, government, businesses — Tipmont was rethinking how to operate in a fundamentally altered environment. Those changes included separating the line crews, concentrating their work on […]
We’re fighting for you
Fighting for broadband internet
When Should I Report An Outage?
In late January and early February, severe winter storms caused several extended outages on our system. While we always want to hear from you when your power is out, it’s often best to wait a few minutes before reporting your outage. Our electric system is blanketed with devices called reclosers. Reclosers are like circuit breakers […]