Tipmont’s 2023 year in review

Tipmont’s 2023 success stories share with cooperative members.
Keep pet safety in mind this holiday season

Keep every member of your family safe around electricity including those furry members of the family — your cat, dog, hamster or other critter.
Building a budget that best serves you

Tipmont’s advanced metering project will deploy over 28,000 new meters to all cooperative members over the next several years.
Rate tariff updates

During its September meeting, Tipmont’s board of directors voted on and accepted the following increases to Tipmont’s fees and credits portion of its electric rate tariff. MINIMUM METER TAMPERING FEE The minimum amount charged to those found to tamper with Tipmont electric meters is now $500. TRIP FEE The trip fee incurred for service visits […]
An exciting evolution of electric service

Tipmont’s advanced metering project will deploy over 28,000 new meters to all cooperative members over the next several years.
Kilowatts & Brats February 2023 recap

We served tasty food and shared updates on our fiber-internet build, pursuit of a new power supplier and how we’re positioning Tipmont for energy transformation.
Tipmont Ready to Serve During Winter Storm

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Watch for all of Tipmont’s electric-service territory, effective this afternoon through Saturday morning. The forecast calls for heavy, blowing snow, wind gusts up to 55 miles per hour and wind chills as low as -30°. A flash freeze is also expected tonight, as temperatures drop more […]
Good Food & Conversation at Kilowatts & Brats

Several hundred Tipmont REMC members joined us for Kilowatts & Brats events in May – at which we served up tasty food and the latest on our fiber-internet build and pursuit of a new power supplier. Ron Holcomb, president and CEO of Tipmont Wintek, shared recent developments in how Tipmont is fighting for you to […]
Energy rate increase effective June 22

Effective June 22, Tipmont REMC’s new residential electric rate (which most members pay) is $0.1137/kWh — an increase of 3.5%. Once again, the reason is because of unexpected cost increases from our power supplier, Wabash Valley Power Alliance. In April, Wabash Valley raised Tipmont’s power supply costs to be paid in 2022. Wabash Valley then […]
Increased summer season energy demands

As temperatures rise, Tipmont realizes its members may have questions about the reliability of regional electric grids to meet summer-season demands. We’ve got some answers for you, and it starts with a primer on how electricity gets to your home. Tipmont does not generate its own electricity. We distribute power to you that we purchase […]