5G: Is it a threat to fiber?

I’ve been asked a few times how the fiber lines we’re building today will stand up to the promises of tomorrow’s wireless internet technology. While there are a lot of technological promises on the horizon, we can’t know for certain how they are all going to play out. Here are some things we do know […]
We’re on a mission

Last month, we shared that construction was underway to bring fiber internet to over 2,200 homes in the Battle Ground area. Many residents in that area have expressed their elation for the service. It’s very rewarding to hear how enthusiastic they are for better internet service. However, for every excited individual, there are many more […]
Streaming video: is it right for you?

Last month, we shared that the fiber video and voice service will be available through Mulberry, rather than directly from Tipmont. Our goal is to ensure you have access to video and voice services the way you want it. This change helps streamline voice and video service delivery by aligning your customer experience with who […]
Streamlining voice and video delivery
When we announced our fiber service last year, our products included the “triple play” of internet, voice and video. The decision to offer all three was based on your feedback that you were interested in all three services from Tipmont. More recent feedback from you combined with nationwide trends have given us reason to switch […]
Tipmont CEO speaks on Capitol Hill

On Wednesday, March 6, Tipmont’s CEO, Ron Holcomb, spoke at a Capitol Hill briefing today on Tipmont’s efforts as part of the nationwide economic development impact of electric cooperatives. Following are the remarks he delivered. Co-ops are essential to rural communities. And this new report does a great job of outlining that through statistics and […]
February 2019 fiber internet update

Last month, we shared the exciting news of Tipmont’s acquisition of Wintek Corporation, Lafayette’s premier technology and fiber solutions provider. I was encouraged to receive many emails and letters of support for this momentous step. One email said this: “My family lives in the country, east of Romney, and have dealt with limited internet access […]
Our team grows to meet your needs
It’s been nearly a year since Tipmont’s board unanimously voted to authorize the construction and delivery of fiber internet, video and voice services. In that time, we’ve completed a tremendous amount of work toward realizing the vision that you created for us. Your feedback through surveys, letters, phone calls, and in person was key to […]
Positioning you for the future

Over the last year, Tipmont’s board and management have been discussing the terms of our wholesale power supply contract with our power supplier, Wabash Valley Power.
It’s starting to feel real
After several months of planning to become an internet service provider, we’re finally ready to begin connecting our first members. In August, our engineering group selected Berry It as our fiber construction contractor. By the time you read this, the Kokomo-based contractor will be well underway building the first connections near our Linden office. […]
Questions from our 2018 Annual Meeting

This is my first column opportunity since our July 28 Annual Meeting at McCutcheon High School. Officially, 899 memberships attended, an 18 percent increase from 2017. Thank you to all who took the time to visit with us. I want to also extend my congratulations to Jan Harlow on her re-election to Tipmont’s board of […]