2022 Electric Reliability Report

On average in 2022, Tipmont REMC electric service was active 99.98% of the time.
How demand affects the cost of electricity

Extreme cold greatly influences what Tipmont pays for the wholesale energy we distribute to your homes, farms and businesses.
Service charge increase takes effect this month

As I wrote last month, Tipmont is not immune to inflationary pressure. Costs have increased to deliver the reliable electricity you expect. As specific examples, the cost of poles has gone up by 33% since 2020, the cost of wires used most often has risen by 16%, and transformers now cost 200% to 300% more […]
Electric rates to increase in early 2023

As Tipmont REMC Board Chairman Brent Bible wrote in October’s Indiana Connection: Inflation makes everything cost more. More specifically, per the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, general prices in our nation over the last decade have increased by nearly 30%. As Bible also noted, American energy costs have thankfully held that tide a bit. […]
A positive step forward in fighting for you

Bringing fiber internet to rural Tippecanoe.
A Continual Evolution of Excellence

Brent Bible shares his perspective as a Tipmont board member regarding the influence of inflation on energy costs.
Stay Alert for Utility Scams

Keep a look out for utility scams !
Tipmont Wintek Broadband Initiative Update

text is from a presentation by Tipmont REMC Communication Director Rob Ford given at the 2022 Annual Meeting on September 17, 2022.
Fighting For You: A Positive Step Forward

Tipmont is making progress in our fight to bring you a more fair, flexible power supply.
Convenient Changes to the 2022 Annual Meeting

The 2022 Annual Meeting offers two additional drive-thrus and an increased bill credit for attending.