I hope 2022 is off to a great start for all of our
members. Even those of you new to Indiana know it’s time to batten down the hatches against winter storms. That phrase originated with sailors weatherproofing ships ahead of driving rain by nailing wood (battens) over doorways and openings (hatches).
Tipmont’s tools exceed hammers,
nails and wood. But we share these
sailors’ strategic foresight in how
we winterize our electrical system
with the following practices and
Burying power lines
continues to aggressively install
new power lines below ground
and convert aerial lines. Burying
lines limits exposure to high
winds, heavy trees and storm
debris. Today, 35% of our lines
are buried, and we’re increasing
that every year. We also regularly
replace underground cable at the
end of its service life and prioritize
converting aerial lines in areas
prone to weather events.
Using the best materials
wire was the early rural electrification standard. Our system
maintains a good amount of modern and more reliable copper
wire. But as replacement happens today, we use aluminum wire,
which offers superior fortification against furious winter weather. Plus, all Tipmont poles are built for heavy loading in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code.
Increased tree trimming
In 2017, Tipmont established a four- to
five-year cycle of trimming trees to enhance right-of-way clearance for our electrical lines. By clearing limbs that could prove problematic in the winter, our overall service
reliability has improved.
Two locations for linemen
Most co-ops only have one shop for linemen. Tipmont has two, in Linden and in Battle Ground. This is to serve the nearly 2,800 miles of electric line across our service territory. But if a blizzard strikes, pulling skilled workers from two
shops enhances our all-hands effort to restore your service.
Real-time and save-time technology
Our Geographic
Information System (GIS) dashboard gives those linemen real-time information from the field — eliminating middle-man
phone calls and cutting the time required to resolve issues safely and effectively.
Automatic load-switching:
Tipmont has 20 electric substations that bring power to your homes and businesses. With the push of a button at our operations center, we can divert electricity from four of
those substations — helping keep the lights on during winter weather isolated to parts of our service area. This year, we’re planning to add remote switch capabilities to even more substations.
Alongside our experienced crew of engineers and linemen, these are the ways in which Tipmont battens down the hatches … and always works to maintain your winter security, comfort and convenience.