
SmartHub briefly unavailable at 4:30 p.m.

UPDATED: 02/10/2025

SmartHub will be briefly unavailable due to maintenance at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10. We anticipate the service will be available again after several minutes.

Answering the call in tough times

There are nearly 900 rural electric cooperatives like Tipmont across the United States. It’s reasonable for folks outside the industry to presume there isn’t much variety in distributing residential and business electricity. But to put a spin on the old saying: If you’ve met one co-op, you’ve met one co-op. Each co-op’s differing goals and […]

Our Snowfall Strategy

I hope 2022 is off to a great start for all of our members. Even those of you new to Indiana know it’s time to batten down the hatches against winter storms. That phrase originated with sailors weatherproofing ships ahead of driving rain by nailing wood (battens) over doorways and openings (hatches). Tipmont’s tools exceed […]