
SmartHub briefly unavailable at 4:30 p.m.

UPDATED: 02/10/2025

SmartHub will be briefly unavailable due to maintenance at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10. We anticipate the service will be available again after several minutes.

Rate tariff updates

During its September meeting, Tipmont’s board of directors voted on and accepted the following increases to Tipmont’s fees and credits portion of its electric rate tariff. MINIMUM METER TAMPERING FEE The minimum amount charged to those found to tamper with Tipmont electric meters is now $500. TRIP FEE The trip fee incurred for service visits […]

Service charge increase takes effect this month

As I wrote last month, Tipmont is not immune to inflationary pressure. Costs have increased to deliver the reliable electricity you expect. As specific examples, the cost of poles has gone up by 33% since 2020, the cost of wires used most often has risen by 16%, and transformers now cost 200% to 300% more […]

Electric rates to increase in early 2023

As Tipmont REMC Board Chairman Brent Bible wrote in October’s Indiana Connection: Inflation makes everything cost more. More specifically, per the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, general prices in our nation over the last decade have increased by nearly 30%. As Bible also noted, American energy costs have thankfully held that tide a bit. […]

Energy rate increase effective June 22

Effective June 22, Tipmont REMC’s new residential electric rate (which most members pay) is $0.1137/kWh — an increase of 3.5%. Once again, the reason is because of unexpected cost increases from our power supplier, Wabash Valley Power Alliance. In April, Wabash Valley raised Tipmont’s power supply costs to be paid in 2022. Wabash Valley then […]

2019 Reliability Report

2019 Outage Causes pie chart

In 2019, our top outage causes were power supply, trees and equipment failure, which is consistent with every other year going all the way back to 2012.

Electricity: A good value

Effective Jan. 22, Tipmont’s energy charge will increase from $0.1034 per kWh to $0.1054 per kWh and the service charge will increase from $32.50 per month to $34.50 per month. For the average residential consumer, this equals about $4.75 per month There are two components to your monthly bill from Tipmont: the energy charge and […]

Kilowatts, Brats, & Bytes May 29 and 30

Join Tipmont REMC on May 29 at North Montgomery High School and May 30 at Wea Ridge Middle School in Lafayette. All Tipmont members are invited to Kilowatts, Brats, & Bytes on Tuesday, May 29 and Wednesday, May 30. Enjoy brats, chips and cookies and learn about programs at Tipmont that are empowering our communities. […]

Kilowatts and Brats Oct. 17 and 18

Join Tipmont REMC on Oct. 17 at North Montgomery High School and Oct. 18 at Wea Ridge Middle School in Lafayette. All Tipmont members are invited to Kilowatts & Brats on Tuesday, Oct. 17 and Wednesday, Oct. 18. Enjoy brats, chips and cookies and learn about programs at Tipmont that are empowering our communities. Doors […]

Performance, rates and value

Effective June 2017, Tipmont’s service charge will increase from $29 per month to $32.50 per month for residential members. The rate adjustment pays for continued investment in the distribution system to maintain service reliability. System performance In 2012, Tipmont launched an initiative to improve your service reliability while continuing to meet the growing demand for […]