EnviroWatts grants provide solar lighting and rain barrels

Food Finders Food Bank solar lighting Food Finders Food Bank received $6,481.97 for two solar parking lot lights at the new Greenbush Street pantry parking lot in Lafayette. Solar lights will help reduce the food bank’s energy bills while providing a safer and more accessible environment to people utilizing the pantry and education classes. “The […]
EnviroWatts-funded rain barrels making an impact
Thanks to a generous grant from Tipmont’s EnviroWatts program, Wabash River Enhancement Corporation (WREC) and its partners have distributed over 140 rain barrels throughout the Greater Lafayette community. The rain barrels benefit the community in two ways. First, water collected in rain barrels can be used instead of water from a garden hose. This conserves […]
EnviroWatts funded rain barrels making an impact
Thanks to a generous grant from Tipmont’s EnviroWatts program, Wabash River Enhancement Corporation (WREC) and its partners have distributed over 140 rain barrels throughout the Greater Lafayette community. The rain barrels benefit the community in two ways. First, during the summer months, watering lawns and gardens can make up almost 40% of household water use. […]
EnviroWatts grant supports Lafayette Urban Ministry

Lafayette Urban Ministry (LUM) is officially solar powered thanks in part to a $10,000 EnviroWatts grant. On Jan. 14, Lafayette Urban Ministry held a “Flip the Switch” ceremony celebrating the completion of its solar power project. LUM Executive Director Joe Micon said the new solar array will potentially save thousands of dollars in energy costs. […]
EnviroWatts Grant supports Ivy Tech energy program

A $10,000 EnviroWatts grant will help fund scholarships for students in Ivy Tech’s energy program
Tipmont REMC awards nearly $17,000 in grants to area nonprofits

Eleven area non-profit organizations will share nearly $30,000 in grants from Tipmont REMC’s Operation Round Up and EnviroWatts programs. Operation Round Up In October 2016, nine Operation Round Up applications were approved for a total of $9,904.44. The following grants were awarded: Battle Ground Elementary Student Teacher Parent Staff Organization ($250.00) Movies for Community Movie […]