Weather stripping doors
Save energy and seal air leaks by weather stripping exterior doors. How do you know if you need to weather strip? If you can see any amount of light between the door frame and the floor, weather stripping should be applied to eliminate energy waste. This DIY energy-saving project is relatively easy and inexpensive depending […]
Insulate Your Electric Water Heater Tank
Is your water heater is located in a garage, basement or other space that isn’t air conditioned? Insulating your water heater tank with an insulation blanket is an easy way to save energy and lower your bill each month. estimates that you can save up to 7%-16% annually. If you have an older hot […]
Don’t be fooled by common energy myths
Eating carrots will greatly improve your eyesight, cracking your knuckles leads to arthritis, watching too much TV will harm your vision. We’ve all heard the old wives’ tales, but did you know there are also many misconceptions about home energy use? Don’t be fooled by common energy myths. Myth: The higher the thermostat setting, the […]
Understanding Your Energy Usage to Lower Your Bill
We humans are creatures of habit. We do the same things day in and day out. So, why do our energy bills fluctuate so much throughout the year? Understanding how we consume energy in our home and which key drivers impact our energy usage is the first step to energy efficiency and lower bills. The […]
Monitor your home’s electricity use
Whole house energy monitoring systems are a real opportunity to learn how your home uses electricity and to teach everyone in your family about what uses watts. Let’s take a look at these useful systems. There are two primary ways in which whole house energy monitors get their data. The first is to have a […]