Saluting Those Who Served: Local Arborists, Tipmont REMC Give Back
With 120 years’ worth of well-matured trees across 242 beautifully wooded, oft-walked acres in West Lafayette, the Indiana Veterans’ Home is an arborist’s dream. So, too, is giving back in their own way to those who gave so much in service of our country, alive or absent, as well as those who visit them. The […]
Electricity: The human condition
Meet Olive Meadows, a
treasured part of Tipmont’s history and one of the few people who remember the days before electricity and how transformative the service was in their daily lives.
Cyber security
In his October 2017 column, CEO Ron Holcomb discussed cyber security at Tipmont REMC
Pure Eatery: A new spot in Downtown Lafayette
There are few rules for this monthly space, and even then, they’re mostly self-imposed. But there’s one simple one: no major chains/franchised activities. That’s less an effort to disparage the big guys than it is to distribute space to the local folks. On its face, Pure Eatery might seem in violation — although I contend […]
Scot Price completes Certified Loss Control Professional certification
Tipmont REMC operations manager Scot Price has completed an intensive program in electric utility safety and loss control.
EnviroWatts Grant supports Ivy Tech energy program
A $10,000 EnviroWatts grant will help fund scholarships for students in Ivy Tech’s energy program
Our legacy members
In his September 2017 column, CEO Ron Holcomb talks about two of Tipmont’s legacy members and what they mean to our cooperative.
History repeats itself
78 years after FDR created the REA to bring electricity to rural America, co-ops are once again poised to transform life for rural Americans.
Tipmont lineman Jason Gates shares his Guatemala experience
Tipmont REMC lineman Jason was part of the Project Indiana crew that traveled to Guatemala in March to electrify a remote Guatemalan village.
Co-Working Spaces: A New Culture of Creativity
Seizing inspiration for innovative ideas is tough enough for upstart entrepreneurs. Throw in the isolation of working from home, jockeying for coffeehouse plug-ins, and talking shop over hissing espresso machines, and it’s no wonder lightbulbs take time to flicker on.