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New magazine name reflects our connection to you

Regular readers of Electric Consumer may be perplexed by a few things: Why haven’t you gotten your Electric Consumer this month? Why is Tipmont writing articles in a new magazine you got in the mail? Is Tipmont so popular that they are now being syndicated? As far as the syndication rumor goes — it’s unfortunately […]

EnviroWatts funded rain barrels making an impact

Thanks to a generous grant from Tipmont’s EnviroWatts program, Wabash River Enhancement Corporation (WREC) and its partners have distributed over 140 rain barrels throughout the Greater Lafayette community. The rain barrels benefit the community in two ways. First, during the summer months, watering lawns and gardens can make up almost 40% of household water use. […]

Why is my winter bill higher?

January 2019 was colder and snowier than is normal for our area. Our actual average temperature was several degrees colder than the January average according to WLFI-TV meteorologist Chad Evans. Bone chilling artic air blanked our area January 29 – 31 with wind chills as low as -50. These wind chills were the lowest since […]

February 2019 fiber internet update

Last month, we shared the exciting news of Tipmont’s acquisition of Wintek Corporation, Lafayette’s premier technology and fiber solutions provider. I was encouraged to receive many emails and letters of support for this momentous step. One email said this: “My family lives in the country, east of Romney, and have dealt with limited internet access […]

From the boardroom: February 2019

Tipmont’s board of directors held its regular board meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 18. All directors were present. Also attending were CEO Ron Holcomb and Attorney Jeff Helmerick. Holcomb submitted his report along with other staff member reports in writing. The year-to-date margin was $1,116,768.39. The cooperative currently has an equity rate of 42.12 percent, and […]

The Bryant: A Little bit of this, a little bit of that

“Modern industrial” is the term used to describe the style of the Bryant — the Christodoulakis family’s fifth (and newest) restaurant, after Christos New City Grill, Red Seven and Café Literato. There are exposed pipes, subway tiles and textured walls, but also curved banquettes, barn-wood walls and plaidshirted servers. Then there’s a giant three-dimensional mosaic […]

EnviroWatts grant supports Lafayette Urban Ministry

Lafayette Urban Ministry (LUM) is officially solar powered thanks in part to a $10,000 EnviroWatts grant. On Jan. 14, Lafayette Urban Ministry held a “Flip the Switch” ceremony celebrating the completion of its solar power project. LUM Executive Director Joe Micon said the new solar array will potentially save thousands of dollars in energy costs. […]

Peppercorns Kitchen: A Hot & Sour Start to Your New Year

It’s cold. You need soup. Not from a can. Not as an excuse to cast-off New Year’s Eve party leftovers. Soup that’s handmade, hearty, robust. And not just warm. No, no. Face-of-the-sun temperatures to fill your stomach, warm your bones, get the blood going, start 2019 off right. Peppercorns Kitchen has been a fixture for […]

Our team grows to meet your needs

It’s been nearly a year since Tipmont’s board unanimously voted to authorize the construction and delivery of fiber internet, video and voice services. In that time, we’ve completed a tremendous amount of work toward realizing the vision that you created for us. Your feedback through surveys, letters, phone calls, and in person was key to […]

Positioning you for the future

Over the last year, Tipmont’s board and management have been discussing the terms of our wholesale power supply contract with our power supplier, Wabash Valley Power.

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