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Don’t be fooled by common energy myths

Eating carrots will greatly improve your eyesight, cracking your knuckles leads to arthritis, watching too much TV will harm your vision. We’ve all heard the old wives’ tales, but did you know there are also many misconceptions about home energy use? Don’t be fooled by common energy myths. Myth: The higher the thermostat setting, the […]

Understanding Your Energy Usage to Lower Your Bill

We humans are creatures of habit. We do the same things day in and day out. So, why do our energy bills fluctuate so much throughout the year? Understanding how we consume energy in our home and which key drivers impact our energy usage is the first step to energy efficiency and lower bills. The […]

Help us sell you less!

I want you to buy less of what Tipmont has to sell. I am not kidding, joking or teasing you. I truly want to help you lower your monthly energy bill from Tipmont. In most other organizations, including investor owned utilities, I would be run out the door for even thinking this. Thankfully for you, […]

Monitor your home’s electricity use

Whole house energy monitoring systems are a real opportunity to learn how your home uses electricity and to teach everyone in your family about what uses watts. Let’s take a look at these useful systems. There are two primary ways in which whole house energy monitors get their data. The first is to have a […]

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