October 2021 Operation Round Up and EnviroWatts grants

In October, Tipmont distributed nearly $20,000 in grants from its Operation Round Up and EnviroWatts programs. They funded initiatives to support science education for young women, improve access at a charity thrift store, provide necessary materials for newborns, repair a facility that helps people recover from addictions, and plant 200-plus trees in greater Lafayette. Operation […]
Ivy+ adds value to Ivy Tech experience

Time is the statistically proven enemy of higher education. Study upon study shows the longer it takes for a student to complete a degree program, the more likely life is to interrupt or even derail their progress. What time subtracts from higher education at Ivy Tech Community College, Ivy+ aims to add back. Newly implemented […]
Tipmont Grants Bring Big Difference from Small Change

Tipmont distributed nearly $17,000 in grants to community not-for-profits in August 2021.
Boys & Girls Club, Tipmont Wintek Partner on Innovative After-School Project

Tipmont Wintek has partnered with the Boys & Girls Club of Lafayette to support the technology needs of Student Learning Recovery, an innovative after-school educational program that will begin in August. “About 80% of the youth we serve are two grade levels behind in math and reading,” says Barry Richard, executive director of the Boys […]
Tipmont Wintek to Provide Free WiFi Access at 2021 Tippecanoe County 4-H Fair

Thanks to Tipmont Wintek, visitors to the 2021 Tippecanoe County 4-H Fair can enjoy free WiFi access for the duration of the fair — from Saturday, July 17 to Saturday, July 24. For a second straight year, Tipmont Wintek is also sponsoring online livestreams of livestock shows. “From robust WiFi coverage to livestreams allowing those who can’t be there […]
Find us at the Fairs

Tipmont is excited to meet and greet our members at county fairs this month. Fountain County Montgomery County Tippecanoe County July 9-16 July 16-22 July 17-22 Snap a quick pic of yourself as a Tipmont lineman in our photo cutout. Check out one of our all-new service trucks (Montgomery County only). Sign up for our state-of-the-art fiber […]
A little change, a lot of good

Tipmont community grant funds
Youth opportunities in our communities

Several opportunities for youth are available in our community.
EnviroWatts grants provide solar lighting and rain barrels

Food Finders Food Bank solar lighting Food Finders Food Bank received $6,481.97 for two solar parking lot lights at the new Greenbush Street pantry parking lot in Lafayette. Solar lights will help reduce the food bank’s energy bills while providing a safer and more accessible environment to people utilizing the pantry and education classes. “The […]
EnviroWatts grant supports Lafayette Urban Ministry

Lafayette Urban Ministry (LUM) is officially solar powered thanks in part to a $10,000 EnviroWatts grant. On Jan. 14, Lafayette Urban Ministry held a “Flip the Switch” ceremony celebrating the completion of its solar power project. LUM Executive Director Joe Micon said the new solar array will potentially save thousands of dollars in energy costs. […]