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Ron Holcomb May 2022 U.S. Senate subcommittee testimony

On Tuesday, May 3, Tipmont Wintek President & CEO Ron Holcomb provided testimony for the United States Senate Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety in Washington, D.C. The subjects were America’s broadband workforce development and barriers to broadband expansion — topics that have grown familiar at Tipmont Wintek as we continue to build fiber-to-the-home broadband […]

2021 Reliability Report

On average last year, Tipmont REMC electric service was active 99.97% of the time. Being that close to 100% is certainly a point of pride, but the .03% affords us opportunities to investigate and improve. It’s enlightening to review and recap our electric reliability data year to year. It helps us determine outage causes and […]

Business Solutions for Better Futures

We talk a lot about the importance of Wintek’s residential fiber internet build, and for any number of reasons given the good that it can do for the people we serve. What you might not know is that Wintek also provides fiber-based solutions for a growing number of regional businesses — from international heavy-hitters to […]

Answering the call in tough times

There are nearly 900 rural electric cooperatives like Tipmont across the United States. It’s reasonable for folks outside the industry to presume there isn’t much variety in distributing residential and business electricity. But to put a spin on the old saying: If you’ve met one co-op, you’ve met one co-op. Each co-op’s differing goals and […]

Our Snowfall Strategy

I hope 2022 is off to a great start for all of our members. Even those of you new to Indiana know it’s time to batten down the hatches against winter storms. That phrase originated with sailors weatherproofing ships ahead of driving rain by nailing wood (battens) over doorways and openings (hatches). Tipmont’s tools exceed […]

Consider careers with Tipmont Wintek

A Tipmont lineman next to a bucket truck

Things look quite different now than when I arrived in 2013, but several things remain the same and always will. One is ensuring that what’s right for members most deeply defines all our ambitions and actions. Another is constantly seeking the right people to push us forward and doing our part to support and encourage […]

The time is wise to Winterize

October is a great time to plan for winterizing your home. To even think about such a thing on the beautiful 77-degree day when I’m writing this almost feels like blasphemy. But winter’s icy grip always arrives sooner than we think, and it’s best to be prepared. Early autumn’s mild days are ideal for investigating […]

Tipmont REMC Broadband Initiative Update

The following text is from a presentation by Tipmont Communication Director Rob Ford given at the 2021 Annual Meeting on September 18, 2021. I’m going to spend a few minutes updating you on our broadband internet progress. It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly three years since we connected our first customer near our […]

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