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Larry Carlson (i)

Larry Carlson

Larry Carlson


District 5

I am a resident of Davis Township, Fountain County, and graduated from Purdue University in 1965 with a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in chemistry and biology. After college, I returned to my family farm, where I reside today with my wife, Zoetta, a retired registered nurse. Together, we are the parents of Jason and Amy, and we have three grandchildren.

Besides farming, I am a licensed real estate broker, a former member of the Fountain Trust State Bank advisory board, and a four-term trustee for Davis Township. I enjoy my grandchildren, Corvettes, fishing in Canada, and representing you.

In 1973, I was elected to the Tipmont board. During my tenure, I have served six years as secretary-treasurer, 24 years as chairman, and two years as vice-chairman. In 1985, I became a National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Credentialed Cooperative Director after successfully completing several courses. I received the Director Gold certificate and pin in 2016. From 1993 to 2008,

I served as a director on the boards of North Central Data Cooperative in Bismarck, North Dakota, and its successor, the National Information Services Cooperative of St. Louis, Missouri, Tipmont’s software provider. I also served on the Financial Planning Committee of Wabash Valley Power Alliance.

In 2008, the Tipmont board chose me to be a director on the Indiana Electric Cooperatives board, our statewide organization. I served there for 10 years, seven of which were on the seven-member executive committee.

My goals as a director have always been to represent members in ways that improve their lives by providing efficient, reliable, and requested services at reasonable costs.

Meet the 2024 director candidates

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