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Increased summer season energy demands

As temperatures rise, Tipmont realizes its members may have questions about the reliability of regional electric grids to meet summer-season demands. We’ve got some answers for you, and it starts with a primer on how electricity gets to your home. Tipmont does not generate its own electricity. We distribute power to you that we purchase […]

2019 Reliability Report

2019 Outage Causes pie chart

In 2019, our top outage causes were power supply, trees and equipment failure, which is consistent with every other year going all the way back to 2012.

2017 Reliability Report: Transmission improvements

Each year in March, I write a summary of the previous year’s electric reliability report. It’s a fascinating exercise each year each year because of the variety in Mother Nature’s behavior, which is a major determinant of outages. 2015 was a very weather-neutral year, which resulted in one of the lowest numbers of total member […]

2016 Reliability Report: Mother Nature returns

When I wrote our 2015 reliability report last year, I knew Mother Nature had been overly kind. The majority of our outages most years stem from weather-related events. 2015 was, by all accounts, a very weather-neutral year in our service area. In 2016, our total member minutes out was about 33 percent higher. However, the […]

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