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Fiber Construction Update: October 2021

Crews and contractors continue to build better in-home internet from Wintek powered byTipmont. Find your location below, consult the color key, and find more details below if your area has a number. Announcing a new build area! We’re excited to announce that engineering designs and pre-construction are underway in the Manson build area. Right now, […]

October’s Best Bets for Streaming

 Escape your endless scroll through streaming options with movies and series you can watch tonight or plan for later. Need help picking the perfect streaming services? Visit streaming.wintek.com! Top Picks “CODA,” PG-13: This drama about a hearing teenage girl caught between her dream to sing and her deaf family’s reliance on her for their livelihood […]

Always Something Brewing

Lafayette Brewing Company was slinging craft beers before it was the cool thing, and they’ve got the stats to back it up. They were Indiana’s first brewery to receive a small-brewers permit (nearly 30 years ago) and they’re currently the state’s second-oldest operating brewery. Like any brewpub, beer is LBC’s bread and butter. Its actual […]

The time is wise to Winterize

October is a great time to plan for winterizing your home. To even think about such a thing on the beautiful 77-degree day when I’m writing this almost feels like blasphemy. But winter’s icy grip always arrives sooner than we think, and it’s best to be prepared. Early autumn’s mild days are ideal for investigating […]

Tipmont REMC Broadband Initiative Update

The following text is from a presentation by Tipmont Communication Director Rob Ford given at the 2021 Annual Meeting on September 18, 2021. I’m going to spend a few minutes updating you on our broadband internet progress. It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly three years since we connected our first customer near our […]

Board Chairman’s Corner

Each year, the president of the United States delivers a State of the Union to America’s citizens. Consider this a State of the Cooperative on where Tipmont is, how we got here, and where we’re going. I’m no hockey fan, but I’ve heard this Wayne Gretzky fellow was pretty good. In his book “Good to […]

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