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November’s Best Bets for Streaming

Escape your endless scroll through streaming options with movies and series you can watch tonight or plan for later. Need help picking the perfect streaming services? Visit streaming.wintek.com! Top Picks “Goliath,” TVMA: This unheralded series stars Billy Bob Thornton as a brilliant but troubled lawyer. Blending snappy humor, tense suspense and surreal imagery, the show […]

Rethink Thin at Azzip Pizza

Acknowledging that pizza is the ultimate subjective cuisine, indulge us once again in the crust debate. Some crave the cracker-like consistency of thin crust. Others find it a wobbly wafer weighed down by a messy mound of toppings. Much as its name flips the script on what it sells, Azzip Pizza inverts the idea that […]

Ivy+ adds value to Ivy Tech experience

Time is the statistically proven enemy of higher education. Study upon study shows the longer it takes for a student to complete a degree program, the more likely life is to interrupt or even derail their progress. What time subtracts from higher education at Ivy Tech Community College, Ivy+ aims to add back. Newly implemented […]

Consider careers with Tipmont Wintek

A Tipmont lineman next to a bucket truck

Things look quite different now than when I arrived in 2013, but several things remain the same and always will. One is ensuring that what’s right for members most deeply defines all our ambitions and actions. Another is constantly seeking the right people to push us forward and doing our part to support and encourage […]

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