Your Tipmont board: Pursuing progressive futures

Now is a busy time for farmers and for Tipmont in this annual message from board chairman Brent Bible
Harvest time electrical safety

Indiana’s farmers will be shifting into high gear soon as they move into their fields to bring in crops. All that increased activity puts farmers and farm workers at greater risk. “Combines and grain augers are large pieces of equipment,” says Jon Elkins, vice president of safety, training and compliance at Indiana Electric Cooperatives (IEC). […]
Be Safe Around Electricity When Moving Farm Equipment

With the arrival of harvest time, Indiana’s farmers are shifting into high gear as they move into their fields to bring in their crops. All that increased activity puts farmers and farm workers at greater risk, warns Jon Elkins, vice president of safety, training and compliance at Indiana Electric Cooperatives. “Combines and grain augers are […]
Harvest workers urged to take time to reap safe harvest

Each year, dozens of farm workers are killed and hundreds are injured in accidents involving power lines and electrical equipment. Farm workers should take these steps to ensure a safer harvest season.
Stay focused on safety during harvest

To help farmers stay out of harm’s way, follow these tips for a safe harvest.