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Eddie Joe’s Icehouse Brings the Heat in West Point

“If you don’t pick a good concept, don’t call me wondering why it didn’t work out.” A food-industry friend’s advice regularly rolled through Lee Stanish’s mind as he weighed how to turn his weekend-warrior BBQ expertise into a (nearly) 24/7 endeavor of running a restaurant. “Lots of people make great barbecue,” Stanish says. “I knew […]

Help us sell you less!

I want you to buy less of what Tipmont has to sell. I am not kidding, joking or teasing you. I truly want to help you lower your monthly energy bill from Tipmont. In most other organizations, including investor owned utilities, I would be run out the door for even thinking this. Thankfully for you, […]

Trivia Nights: A Fun Way to Show What You Know

Q: “I’m putting a team together for a trivia night this week. Wanna go?” A: “Oh, I’m not a trivia person.” Christopher Short has found folks’ underestimation of knowledge they tote in their brains to be, as they say in trivia circles, the MCWA … or Most Common Wrong Answer. “There will always be something […]

Myers Dinner Theatre: Big Fun in a Small Space

A sign at the edge of Hillsboro says it’s home to “600 happy people and a few old soreheads.” In a week, the Myers Dinner Theatre could host the entire town and send even the soreheads home smiling. Since owners Richard and Donna Myers opened the doors in 2000, this year-round venue has presented a […]

A Purdue partnership for tomorrow’s energy leaders

For the second year in a row, Tipmont REMC co-sponsored The Energy Academy at Purdue, a week-long program for high-achieving students and outstanding science teachers. These partnerships are crucial to preparing tomorrow’s energy leaders as they will be entering a world even more complex than today’s. According to the Academy’s website, “By 2030, the global […]

Lafayette Aviators Help Local Baseball Take Flight

With the game on the line, Evan Warden pitched his own way out of a top-ninth, bases-loaded jam. But the fired-up crowd of about 1,500 cheering Warden on surely offered him a competitive advantage. Considering their volume and vigor, you’d have thought they’d been rallying behind Warden and the Lafayette Aviators for years. But it […]

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