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2017 Reliability Report: Transmission improvements

Each year in March, I write a summary of the previous year’s electric reliability report. It’s a fascinating exercise each year each year because of the variety in Mother Nature’s behavior, which is a major determinant of outages. 2015 was a very weather-neutral year, which resulted in one of the lowest numbers of total member […]

Investing in our youth

Tipmont is in a unique position to provide valuable opportunities for young people in the communities we serve.

From Olive to Automation

Tipmont REMC has increased visibility into our electric system to reduce the time it takes to restore your power.

Electricity: The human condition

Meet Olive Meadows, a
treasured part of Tipmont’s history and one of the few people who remember the days before electricity and how transformative the service was in their daily lives.

Cyber security

In his October 2017 column, CEO Ron Holcomb discussed cyber security at Tipmont REMC

Our legacy members

In his September 2017 column, CEO Ron Holcomb talks about two of Tipmont’s legacy members and what they mean to our cooperative.

History repeats itself

78 years after FDR created the REA to bring electricity to rural America, co-ops are once again poised to transform life for rural Americans.

Performance, rates and value

Effective June 2017, Tipmont’s service charge will increase from $29 per month to $32.50 per month for residential members. The rate adjustment pays for continued investment in the distribution system to maintain service reliability. System performance In 2012, Tipmont launched an initiative to improve your service reliability while continuing to meet the growing demand for […]

Where does your energy dollar go?

There are two ways to explore where your energy dollar goes: inside your home (how you use your energy) and outside your home (how Tipmont uses your energy dollars).

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