
SmartHub briefly unavailable at 4:30 p.m.

UPDATED: 02/10/2025

SmartHub will be briefly unavailable due to maintenance at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10. We anticipate the service will be available again after several minutes.

Tipmont Grants Bring Big Difference from Small Change

Did you know that adding a few cents to your energy bill improves lives and communities?

In August, Tipmont distributed nearly $17,000 in grants from its Operation Round Up and EnviroWatts programs. They funded initiatives to enhance seniors’ quality of life, bring comfort to teenagers and their caregivers, keep local watersheds clean, and pave the way for fulfilling energy careers in Indiana.

Operation Round Up

In Operation Round Up, you round up your monthly Tipmont electric bill to the nearest dollar. Your tax-deductible average annual contribution of $6 benefits such area nonprofit efforts as:

  • Electronic pianos to enhance the quality of life at Friendship House, an independent-living community for the elderly in West Lafayette. Research shows that music offers mental, physical and social benefits for the elderly. Guest musicians and residents who play will use these instruments, which also come with headsets that allow them to play without others hearing.
  • A love seat for Heartford House Child Advocacy Center in Lafayette, which supports children who suffer abuse or witness crime through forensic interviews, advocacy and education. The love seat will be used in a waiting room for teenaged children and their caregivers, creating a more welcoming environment in which they can feel relaxed and safe.

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Adding just one cent per kilowatt-hour to your monthly Tipmont electric bill — with a $5 monthly maximum — supports local projects in sustainability, renewable energy and environmental improvement, including:

  • Support for Adopt a Storm Drain, a Crawfordsville Storm Water Department volunteer program to help ensure a cleaner watershed and a healthier Sugar Creek. The program asks participants to adopt a neighborhood storm drain, keep it free of trash and debris, and report progress on an interactive website. Clear storm drains prevent localized flooding and the transfer of material that could damage water quality and aquatic life.
  • Academic scholarships for Ivy Tech’s Energy Technology program, which dovetails with Indiana’s workforce readiness initiatives. Tipmont’s scholarship support for associate degrees, certificate programs and lineman programs reduces student debt, improves Indiana’s energy workforce, and encourages interest and study in the field of renewable energy.

Support the EnviroWatts Program Today!

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Picture of Nick Rogers

Nick Rogers

Nick Rogers is Tipmont's Communication Manager. He joined Tipmont in 2021. Nick has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In a previous life, he covered arts & entertainment and continues to publish film reviews. He loves movies (big shocker!) as well as rooting for the Chicago Cubs and trying new restaurants. He lives in Lafayette with his wife and dogs.

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