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Tipmont’s Community Day gifts 51 trees to Lafayette

For our 2018 Community Day, Tipmont donated and planted 51 trees in Lafayette on Erie Avenue between Greenbush Street and 19th Street. Also participating were crews from Mint City Tree and Tree Lafayette volunteers.

The trees planted include:

  • White Oak
  • Autumn Gold Ginkgo
  • Yellowwood
  • Nuttall Oak
  • Scarlet Oak
  • Palisade Hornbeam
  • Endowment Sugar Maple
  • Sargent Cherry
  • Bosque Elm
  • Exclamation London Planetree
  • Wildfire Blackgum
  • Espresso Ky. Coffeetree
  • Musashino Zelkova
  • Ivory Silk Tree Lilac

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Picture of Rob Ford

Rob Ford

Rob Ford is Tipmont and Wintek's communication director, a role he's held since 2015. Rob has a bachelor's and a master's in Communication from Purdue University. He lives in West Lafayette with his wife and three children and has a life-sized Yoda statue in his office. Away from the office, you’ll find Rob working on his golf swing, jump shot, or hope for a Purdue basketball national title – all futile endeavors.

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