
June’s best bets for streaming

Escape your endless scroll through streaming options with movies and series you can watch tonight or plan for later. Need help picking the perfect streaming services? Visit streaming.wintek.com


Air,” R: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck (who also directs) reunite in a fast-paced, fact-based recollection of how Nike pitched the Air Jordan shoe. (Amazon Prime Video)

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves,” PG-13: Don’t know a Dragonborn from a D20? You’ll still enjoy this witty, clever fantasy-adventure based on the game and starring Chris Pine. (Paramount+)

Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie,” R: In a style that mixes documentary and creative re-enactment, Michael J. Fox reflects on his career and the challenges of living with Parkinson’s disease. (Apple TV+)



  • “The Mother,” R (Netflix, May 12)
  • “Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie,” R
  • (Apple TV+, May 12)

  • “Flamin’ Hot,” PG-13 (Hulu, June 9)


  • “Class of ’09,” TV-MA (Hulu, May 10)
  • “American Born Chinese,” TV-14 (Disney+, May 24)
  • “FUBAR,” TV-MA (Netflix, May 25)

Unless otherwise noted, films or programs are available with subscriptions to the listed streaming service. Dates are subject to change.

Picture of Nick Rogers

Nick Rogers

Nick Rogers is Tipmont's Communication Manager. He joined Tipmont in 2021. Nick has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In a previous life, he covered arts & entertainment and continues to publish film reviews. He loves movies (big shocker!) as well as rooting for the Chicago Cubs and trying new restaurants. He lives in Lafayette with his wife and dogs.

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