Tipmont has built over 3,000 miles of fiber-optic line since 2019. Our network delivers the fiber-optic line directly into the back of your modem, ensuring that you have 100% fiber-optic service from start to finish.
To build our fiber lines, we need to access portions of privately owned property. Easements are agreements with the property owner that grant utilities such as Tipmont permission to build, access and maintain our infrastructure.
We’ve received calls that other companies are building infrastructure on private property without contacting the property owner. For example, several members have reported concerns about Spectrum/Charter Communications building new communication infrastructure on private property near Darlington. If a company accesses or builds infrastructure on your property without a private easement, they may be in violation of Indiana law.
Public vs. Private Easements
If you are a property owner, it’s important to know your easement rights. As your local electric co-op, we will always act in your best interests.
Public easements grant the general public the right-of-way for highways, roads or other thoroughfares.
Private easements give rights to a specific individual or entity and are used for accessing your property (known as ingress and egress). Tipmont obtains or already has private easements when necessary to install utilities and services across another’s property and to repair infrastructure when required.
Tipmont will never access or build on private property without a proper easement. And, we will always make every effort to contact the property owner prior to building new infrastructure.
Additionally, no structures or fences should be built on top or over any easements. If Tipmont needs to access electric infrastructure located in that easement, structures or fences present a significant problem and may result in damage to those structures or fences.
How do I find easement information?
There are several places property owners can find easement information.
- Tipmont maintains records of easement agreements with property owners. Contact our engineering department to request more information.
- A recorded survey of the property may show easements (if any exists). Visit your county courthouse for more information.
- If you have a prior title insurance policy it may list the easements on the property.
- Title insurance companies may be able to do easement research for a fee.