
Linden pole testing begins this spring

This spring, Tipmont will test 2,500 poles near the Linden substation.

This five-week project will begin in late April or early May and end no later than early June.

Pole testing requires driving trucks, ATVs and other vehicles around Tipmont’s service area to inspect poles. To learn more about this process and possible property access, please visit tipmont.com/propertyaccess.

During this project, Tipmont members in this area may see personnel and / or vehicles from Tipmont (or its contracted partner, Utility Asset Management) on their property.

Tipmont tests poles every 10 to 15 years to ensure their wood is in good condition and help maintain our high standards for reliability. Any deficient poles will be repaired or replaced as required.

If you have questions, please contact project engineer Levi Rudisel at lrudisel@tipmont.com or 765-269-4874.

Picture of Nick Rogers

Nick Rogers

Nick Rogers is Tipmont's Communication Manager. He joined Tipmont in 2021. Nick has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In a previous life, he covered arts & entertainment and continues to publish film reviews. He loves movies (big shocker!) as well as rooting for the Chicago Cubs and trying new restaurants. He lives in Lafayette with his wife and dogs.

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