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Purdue aerospace district’s job multiplier effect

Over the last several weeks, our team has been working with the companies within the Purdue Aerospace District to provide Wintek fiber connectivity. The aerospace district brings significant new investment to our area and specifically the 231 corridor west of campus.

One of the economic development concepts we focus on when planning is known as the job multiplier effect. Two of the companies in the aerospace district – Saab and Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) – will each add 300 new jobs. Manufacturing jobs are especially desirable because they have the highest ripple effect of creating other investment, jobs, and innovations throughout the local economy.

In the case of Saab and SEL, their 600 combined jobs will actually result in 967 new jobs in the region according to the Purdue Center for Regional Development. These new jobs include service, health care, transportation, construction and maintenance positions. When local governments consider incentives for new companies, the job multiplier effect is often one of the primary metrics because it proves the investment’s worth.

One final note, if you’ve not yet taken the census, please do so today. Your response matters because it helps shape the future of our communities. You can respond by phone, by mail, or online at 2020census.gov.

Picture of Jody Hamilton

Jody Hamilton

Jody has an associate’s degree in Business Administration and a Human Resource Certificate from Ivy Tech Community College. She is also certified in Economic Development through the University of Oklahoma. Jody supports the community in which she lives by serving on the Tippecanoe County Council for District 2. She also owns a small business called Hamilton Creative Concrete with her husband. What Jody loves doing the most is enjoying life and adventures with her husband and two children.

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September 3, 2024
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