
SmartHub briefly unavailable at 4:30 p.m.

UPDATED: 02/10/2025

SmartHub will be briefly unavailable due to maintenance at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10. We anticipate the service will be available again after several minutes.

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Project Indiana

Project Indiana is a philanthropic trip led by the electric cooperatives of Indiana to the rural communities of Guatemala.

Electrifying Remote Guatemalan Villages​

About Project Indiana

We take electricity for granted. But many families in remote Guatemalan villages live the simplest of lives. They endure extreme hardships. Through Project Indiana, Indiana’s electric cooperatives are empowering global communities one village at a time.

Since 2012, Indiana electric co-ops have banded together to electrify remote villages in Guatemala. In the end, it’s not only light that Project Indiana brings — it’s life. Hope. Progress. Opportunities. And it brings full circle what happened in the 1930s here in rural Indiana — people working together to light a community, one pole at a time, to make a better life.


Why project indiana exists

Mission Statement

To help rural Guatemala advance as rural Indiana did in the 1930s by adopting villages, bringing them electric power, and supporting them as they form electric cooperatives that enable them to enjoy a better way of life.

Our volunteers

Tipmont Lineman Volunteers

Thank you for serving the rural communities of Guatamala!

  • Bob Palmer
  • Jason Gates
  • Jeff Morrison
  • Matt Lowe

Giving Back

How You Can Help

Learn more about what’s happening as Project Indiana grows and continues to impact more lives. See the effect of your contributions and learn about new ways to get involved with Project Indiana by signing up to receive program updates.

The bottom line? Financial contributions are critical to Project Indiana. Indiana’s 38 electric cooperatives cover all of the program administrative costs, enabling all contributions to go directly to the mission of electrifying and supporting these communities. All donations are tax-deductible and accepted by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association International Foundation, and are earmarked specifically for Indiana projects.