
SmartHub briefly unavailable at 4:30 p.m.

UPDATED: 02/10/2025

SmartHub will be briefly unavailable due to maintenance at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10. We anticipate the service will be available again after several minutes.

Small Change makes a big difference

Operation Round Up

By itself, your spare change doesn’t make much of a difference. However, when you combine it with thousands of other Tipmont members, it can change our communities for the better. That’s the power of Operation Round Up through Tipmont.

Since 1999, we have made over 650 grants totaling over $1.2 million dollars!

Rounding Up

How It Works

When you choose to sign up for Operation Round Up, your electric bill is rounded up to the nearest whole dollar each month.

For example, a bill of $74.25 would become $75. The $0.75 difference is placed into the Operation Round Up trust fund. The average total contribution each year is about $6 and is tax-deductible.

It seems pretty small, but what a difference all the contributions add up to!


Investing in the Community

Where Does The Money Go?

The Operation Round Up program provides financial aid to fund special projects of community and service organizations within the Tipmont service area.

Operation Round Up funds are commonly used for:

  • Community service projects
  • Economic development
  • Food banks
  • Health and rescue organizations
  • Educational projects
  • Youth programs

Apply For a Grant!

Applications are now being accepted for the next grant cycle.

Selection process

How The Money Is Distributed

The donations to Tipmont’s Operation Round Up trust fund are distributed by a board of volunteer Tipmont members. The board meets on a regular basis to review the grant applications and select which grants are funded.


Grant Cycles

Applying For a Grant

Grants are awarded quarterly according to the schedule below.
Applicants must have 501(c)(3)  status and provide signed documentation as evidence with the submission of the application.


Deadline for Application is the 1st Monday in January. 

Board Action occurs on the 3rd Monday in January.

Deadline for Application is the 1st Monday in April. 

Board Action occurs on the 3rd Monday in April.

Deadline for Application is the 1st Monday in July. 

Board Action occurs on the 3rd Monday in July.

Deadline for Application is the 1st Monday in October. 

Board Action occurs on the 3rd Monday in October.

Apply For a Grant!

Applications are now being accepted for the next grant cycle.

Grant Recipients

Operation Round Up Grant History

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Date Organization Project Amount
658 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM April 1999 Linden-Madison Twp. Historical Society Railroad tracks to display train cars 1,500.00
659 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM April 1999 Montgomery County Sheriff's Department Drug Detection Dog 1,000.00
660 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM July 1999 Caregiver Companion Part time assistant to coordinate workers 5,000.00
661 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM July 1999 Fountain County Sheriff's Department Drug detection and tracking dog 3,000.00
662 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM July 1999 Romney Harvest Festival Portable community stage & dance area 2,500.00
663 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM October 1999 Animal Welfare League of Montgomery Co. New well for new animal shelter 4,260.00
664 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM October 1999 Crisis Pregnancy Assistance Baby needs & parent education 3,000.00
665 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM October 1999 Lafayette Urban Ministry, Inc. Christmas gifts & food for needy 5,000.00
666 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM January 2000 Food Finders Food Bank Security system for refrigeration units 4,970.00
667 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM January 2000 Habitat for Humanity of Lafayette Additional office space for construction 3,217.00
668 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM April 2000 CHAPS Therapeutic horseback riding - handicap 2,735.00
669 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM April 2000 Clarks Hill Volunteer Fire Department New Bunker gear for firefighter safety 4,800.00
670 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM April 2000 Madison Twp. Volunteer Fire Dept. - Mulberry New portable radios for communication 1,600.00
671 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM April 2000 Monon Railroad Historical-Technical Society Sidewalks & handicap ramps for access 1,500.00
672 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM April 2000 New Richmond Park Board Playground equipment for area children 1,000.00
673 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM April 2000 Randolph Twp. Vol. Fire Dept. - Romney New turnout gear for firefighter safety 4,825.00
674 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM April 2000 Tippecanoe County 4-H Exhibit Association Dog obedience training equipment 2,000.00
675 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM July 2000 Fountain Co. 4-H Fairgrounds Handicap accessible walk & ramps 3,500.00
676 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM July 2000 Mintonye Elementary School PTO New playground equipment 3,000.00
677 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM July 2000 Women's Resource Center Client needs & program material 2,000.00
678 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM October 2000 Fountain/Warren Police Lodge Shop-with-a-cop program - Christmas 3,000.00
679 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM October 2000 Friends of Columbian Park Zoo Environmental/edZoocation 1,000.00
680 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM October 2000 Hillsboro Police Department New computer system 2,500.00
681 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM October 2000 Madison Twp. Volunteer Fire Dept. - Linden Breathing apparatus for firefighters 5,000.00
682 rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM rford@tipmont.org 12/20/2024 06:55 PM October 2000 Mellott Flagtown Field of Dreams Park Tractor for mowing park grounds 2,000.00
Date Organization Project Amount