
SmartHub briefly unavailable at 4:30 p.m.

UPDATED: 02/10/2025

SmartHub will be briefly unavailable due to maintenance at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10. We anticipate the service will be available again after several minutes.

Consider careers with Tipmont Wintek

A Tipmont lineman next to a bucket truck

Things look quite different now than when I arrived in 2013, but several things remain the same and always will. One is ensuring that what’s right for members most deeply defines all our ambitions and actions. Another is constantly seeking the right people to push us forward and doing our part to support and encourage […]

Consider a cooperative career

Evolving technology is changing how energy is generated and distributed through the electric grid to homes and businesses. These changes have brought new challenges and opportunities to electric co-ops working to keep pace with the evolving landscape. Evolving technology is changing how energy is generated and distributed through the electric grid to homes and businesses. […]