
SmartHub briefly unavailable at 4:30 p.m.

UPDATED: 02/10/2025

SmartHub will be briefly unavailable due to maintenance at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10. We anticipate the service will be available again after several minutes.

Cooperative governance

Tipmont board elections

Tipmont is governed by a seven-person Board of Directors elected by the membership at Tipmont’s Annual Meeting

These positions are integral to Tipmont’s operations, as the board’s decisions can affect service rates, rights-of-way, work plans, and much more.

Board members hold significant responsibilities and, as such, must understand their community’s needs and serve the best interests of all cooperative members.


Running for the board of directors

Any Tipmont member in good standing and whose name is on the account is welcome to run for an open position on the board.

The election application must be submitted 85 days prior to the Annual Meeting.

Please call our office at 800-726-3953 for more information or to obtain an election application.

Per Section 4.03 of Tipmont’s Bylaws :

  • Must have name on Tipmont membership and be a member in good standing
  • Be lawfully present in the United States of America
  • Have not previously served on the board, or have been previously removed or disqualified as a director
  • Must reside in your primary residence in the district for which you are running for at least 10 months each calendar year
  • Have not, within the past five years, been convicted of, or plead guilty to, a felony
  • Must have graduated high school or earned an equivalent degree or certification
  • Must not be a close relative of or employed by an existing director
  • Must not work for an entity that competes with or sells goods or services to Tipmont

Once the above eligibility qualifications are met, each candidate must:

  • Read and understand the co-op bylaws (Article 4 covers the board of directors)
  • Complete a candidate application (will be provided upon expressing interest to run)
  • Secure 25 member signatures supporting your candidacy (the signature form will be provided upon expressing interest to run)

Yes. It is strongly recommended to obtain more than 25 signatures on the provided signature form. Each signature must be listed on the membership. For example: If a husband gives a signature but only his wife’s name is on the account, the signature does not count. Each signature will will be verified by Tipmont’s Member Service team. 

No. Candidates must live within the district they are running to represent. To find out which district you reside in, please search your address on this map

Yes. Each member attending Tipmont’s Annual Meeting will vote for each district election featured on that year’s ballot. 

No. As directors are elected to three-year terms, the elections are staggered across years. For information on this year’s elections, please visit our Annual Meeting page

According to Tipmont’s Bylaws, the election application must be submitted 85 days prior to the Annual Meeting. This information will be published in our Indiana Connection magazine and on our Annual Meeting webpage.

According to Tipmont’s Bylaws, members must vote in person at Tipmont’s Annual Meeting. Votes are collected and counted by Tipmont staff and overseen by a Credentials and Elections committee comprised of current Tipmont members. Winners are announced at the Annual Meeting and posted on our website and in our Indiana Connection magazine

If elected to the Tipmont Board of Directors:

Our SEVEN districts

District Map

The Tipmont electric service area is split into seven districts, with one director per district.

Please refer to the map for the geographical boundaries of each of the seven director districts.


news + updates

From the Boardroom

March 3, 2025
The regular meeting of the board of directors was held on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. All directors were present. Also...
February 1, 2025
The regular meeting of the board of directors was held on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2024. All directors were present. Also...
January 1, 2025
The regular meeting of the board of directors was held on Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024. All directors were present. Also...